The initiative aims to reduce the economic loss due to disease outbreaks increasing fish farmers’ income.
New shrimp feeds and seeds specially developed for the Indian market have been introduced in Andhra Pradesh.
Elevia is produced in Skretting’s state-of-the-art LifeStart facility in France, and is currently available in Ecuador, with other markets to follow.
A document highlighting best practices to achieve a successful first feeding has also been created to support the calculator.
The system autonomously removes oils, foam, and debris from the water surface in rearing and filters service tanks.
MMC First Process and APRIA Systems have entered into a strategic partnership to introduce a new solution to the market that solves one of the key challenges with RAS systems with variations in water quality.
The range of products is designed to provide rapid feed availability and high feed performance, addressing key concerns of shrimp producers.
Evonik developed a peracetic acid formula that combats pathogens in water in hatcheries, RAS and ponds.
With the upgrade, aerators can now see constant use in a fish tank during over-the-road conditions or in a raceway.
The vaccinator reduces the vaccination time, fish stress and staff required to run the vaccination process and can be adapted to any farm particularities.
The novel microdiet promises to optimize the performance of turbot at marine hatcheries through customized nutrition.
The formulation is shown to support multiple marine fish species, including seabass, seabream, meager, barramundi and more.
The new technology stuns shrimp unconscious in less than one second, minimizing their sensitivity to pain.
The company expanded its feed offering with a new bioremediation solution to ensure optimal environmental conditions for shrimp from the hatchery to grow out.
The company has unified the feeds to suit the nutritional requirements during the transition period between the pre-on growing and on growing phases.
The redesign of the generator package helps offset some of the past two years’ high parts, labor and shipping inflation.
The company developed a completely submersible instrument that logs dissolved oxygen and temperature measurements and has an internal LCD screen, which displays real-time measurements.
A new smart aquaculture solution allows producers to make real-time data-driven decisions to optimize operations and reduce costs.
This vertical mount unit can be used to continuously monitor pH, salinity, and temperature in tanks and systems.
Fish and shrimp farmers will now have the ability to optimize probiotics, troubleshoot biofilters, and assess beneficial microbes at the species level.