Abalone reared in tanks in which Ulva rigida was raised with effluents from turbot farming showed higher growth than those reared with filtered water and fed with U. rigida or a commercial feed.
The smolts had an average weight of 178 g when put to sea – more than double the weight Scottish Sea Farms would expect to achieve via conventional hatchery methods.
A molecular marker for sex determination in sturgeon was discovered within the international project STURGEoNOMICS, a breakthrough for caviar-producing aquaculture.
A partnership of Dutch companies active in the aquaculture sector named FishTechIndonesia invested in two RAS farms in Indonesia that will act as demonstration facilities.
The annual production of the Glyvradal hatchery is expected to increase to 4 million smolts when the expansion project is completed.
The group celebrated its 20th birthday in a year in which the company undertook a restructuring program to refocus on its core aquaculture areas and achieve financial solidity.
The main focus of the new strain, SagaChile, will be improved growth with late maturation, QTL IPN and genomic selection for resistance against SRS, Caligus and BKD.
XpertSea introduced the first marketplace that connects shrimp buyers and growers directly for fast, efficient and secure transactions.
The project is part of the agreement with Nordic Aqua Partners in which AKVA is the technology supplier for the RAS facilities to be built in China.
The company will also increase the charter capital in its subsidiary Minh Phu Ninh Thuan Aquatic Larvae Co., Ltd. that produces shrimp seeds and is located in Ninh Phuoc district.
Farmers can access valuable ocean data such as water temperature, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll from any location.
The objective is to find genetic selection strategies aimed at increasing the resistance of fish families against Caligus rogercresseyi.
Ace Aquatec has seen demand soar for its electric stunners for fry and parr to convert currently costly byproduct into an ethical supply stream for producers of premium pet food.
Ferry Cove Shellfish will open one of the largest commercial oyster hatcheries in Sherwood, Maryland, producing the Eastern oyster to support the growing mid-Atlantic demand for shellfish.
Prospective growth areas include barramundi and rock oyster in the Kimberley, rock oyster and other shellfish species in the Pilbara and west coast, finfish, coral and seaweed in the Mid-West, and abalone and shellfish in the Great Southern region.
Researchers found opposing effects of temperature on sex determination of European seabass at different stages of development, showing the complexity of the effects of temperature.
A new study from Aker BioMarine found that through the use of astaxanthin krill oil in the post-larval diet, the production cycle can be shortened and mortality reduced, even under stressful conditions.
The move will strengthen JT electric’s presence in the UK and Ireland aquaculture market.
The hatchery will target seed production of Asian seabass, pearlspot and milkfish enabling continuous seed production in the region.
The Court ruled that the FDA ignored the environmental consequences of approving genetically engineered salmon and must now analyze the environmental consequences of an escape into the wild.