
Event News

Green transition at the 2022 smolt conference

The 7th conference on post-smolt RAS production, organized by Nofima, will take place from October 26-27 in Sunndalsøra, Norway.

Green transition at the 2022 smolt conference
August 19, 2022

The 7th conference on post-smolt RAS production, organized by Nofima, will take place from October 26-27 in Sunndalsøra, Norway under the theme The green transition – Significance for the aquaculture industry and the industry’s responsibility.

“In order to bring the aquaculture industry one step further towards an even more climate-friendly and sustainable industry, it is important that people communicate across sectors. Participants at the conference will get the latest news from research on post-smolt in closed systems, and how these systems should be operated in order for them to perform optimally. We will also hear what the authorities, administrators and environmentalists have to say about the future of farming,” said Åsa Espmark, who is responsible for the scientific program.

An exhibition for suppliers will be available in this edition together with a tour through Nofima’s RAS center at Sunndalsøra the morning before the conference begins. 

“The pandemic has shown us that some meetings can be conducted digitally, while other meetings are best when conducted physically. Conferences, where the purpose is to mingle, create contacts and nurture established networks, are best when you attend physically, although we were very satisfied with the webinar in 2020. I’m looking forward to meeting people in Sunndalsøra,” said Espmark.


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Photo credits: Terje Aamodt / Nofima.