
Supplier's News

Water treatment specialist increases ozone treatment system capacity

BIO-UV Group increased the production capacity of its ozone generator to up to 1.2 kg/hour of ozone.

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 13-39-31 BIO-UV Group increases its PPO3 - Positive Pressure Ozone - treatment system capacity BIO-UV
July 5, 2023

BIO-UV Group added additional capacity and features to its Positive Pressure Ozone generator, triogen® PPO3.

The ozone generator increases its production capacity to up to 1.2 kg/hour of ozone. It also retains the full suite of local and remote control and automation benefits, modular design and circular ozone module refurbishment and exchange service. The system also includes independently controlled ozone circuits (between 2-4 circuits), built-in redundancy and duty standby and fully interchangeable ozone modules and spares.


BIO-UV Group has invested EUR 1 million in research and development over the past two years with a strong contribution of its ozone engineering team in the UK. The first orders were received from Chile and Turkey and the company plans to expand to other markets.