

Japanese corporations to build land-based salmon farm

Mitsubishi Corporation and Maruha Nichiro established a joint venture company that will build a land-based salmon farm in Nyuzen town of Toyama prefecture, Japan.

Japanese corporations to build land-based salmon farm
Source:  Cermaq.
June 30, 2022

Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) and Maruha Nichiro Corporation (Maruha Nichiro) established a joint venture company, ATLAND Corporation (ATLAND), that will specialize in the land-based production of salmon. ATLAND will be established in Nyuzen town of Toyama prefecture, Japan and will build a land-based aquaculture facility with a capacity of 2,500 tons, with the aims of starting operations in 2025 and completing the first delivery in 2027. 

“MC and Maruha Nichiro have been discussing the joint promotion of this project since March 2021. This project is expected to help develop a sustainable and stable land-based production system, efficient digital-tech-based operations, local production for local consumption, and progress in decarbonization. Our companies are both dedicated to leveraging our strengths and businesses to simultaneously generate economic, environmental and societal value,” the companies said in a press release.
