
Event News

Join international conference for sustainable tropical agriculture

Aquaculture will be part of the topics covered in the conference that will take place in June in Hawai’i with speakers from Hendrix Genetics, Nissui in Japan, NEC Japan, USDA and USAID. 

Join international conference for sustainable tropical agriculture
February 27, 2022

An international conference, Tropical AgTech Conference, to convene at UH Hilo, Hawai’i in June 2022, will gather an all-star cast of thought leaders in AgTech and challenged them to tailor their talks towards using AgTech to develop solutions for Hawaii and tropical agriculture.  

Hawaii’s agriculture industry needs to be reinvented to produce higher value, more efficiently, and more profitably so farmers can make money and young people are incentivized to seek careers in agriculture. Most of the world's hunger is in the tropics where, like Hawaii, most agriculture remains at subsistence levels. Climate change impacts on tropical agriculture are already severe. We think tropic-focused AgTech solutions developed in Hawaii have enormous potential to export across the tropics. 

Aquaculture will be part of the topics covered with speakers from Hendrix Genetics, Nissui in Japan, NEC Japan, USDA and USAID. 


It will be a hybrid event streamed by Na Leo TV. For more information, visit