

Six-figure shrimp broodstock exported from Texas to Honduras

Gold River Productions assists Unifinca to continue to grow its annual post-larvae business.

December 13, 2022

Gold River Productions has recently received a six-figure broodstock order from Union De Fincas Camaroneras of Honduras (Unifinca). The contract, which is the first company’s export to Honduras, will enable Unifinca to use Trans American's shrimp broodstock to continue to grow its annual post-larvae (PL) production that rounds 360-400 million per month or 2.5 billion per year.

“Although our shareholders are just beginning to recognize the magnitude of what we are doing, this order should begin to shine the light. This is one initial order from one country secured by a fifty percent deposit upfront to process the order,” said Adam Thomas, chairman, and CEO of Trans American Aquaculture. “We have only been public for a few weeks, but we are already noticing a buzz about our company”.
