
Technical manuals

Diagnostic manual for European seabass and seabream

An up-to-date guideline providing current methodologies for a harmonized approach to the health challenges due to viral and bacterial pathogens in the farming of seabass and seabream.

Diagnostic manual for European seabass and seabream
May 27, 2020

MedAID (Mediterranean Aquaculture Integrated Development) is a European H2020 Research and Innovation Project that started in 2017. The main objective was to increase the overall competitiveness and sustainability of the whole value chain of the Mediterranean marine aquaculture sector by improving its technical and business performance and by shifting to a sustainable market-oriented approach with a more positive social and consumer perception.

In the field of disease control and welfare, MedAID aims to provide essential components for a better health and welfare management system for the Mediterranean marine aquaculture industry overall and at company level. One of the gaps addressed by MedAID was the lack of reference methodologies for disease diagnostics for European seabass and gilthead seabream, the main species produced in Mediterranean marine fish farming.

The team developed Diagnostic manual for the main pathogens in European seabass and gilthead seabream aquaculture, an up-to-date guideline providing current methodologies for a harmonized approach to the health challenges due to viral and bacterial pathogens in the farming of seabass and seabream.

Download the manual here.