
Supplier's News

Next-gen shrimp counter to reduce costs with precision shrimp farming

A land-based shrimp farm in Germany has introduced a new shrimp counting system into its RAS facilities.

SC-4K at HanseGarnelen
Credits: Sincere Aqua
May 31, 2024

HanseGarnelen, a land-based shrimp farm in Germany, has introduced a new shrimp counting system into its recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facilities, developed by Danish company Sincere Aqua.

The SC-4K Shrimp Counter utilizes advanced sensor technology, artificial intelligence, and computer vision to provide accurate shrimp counts during the transfer from the nursery to the grow-out stage. It helps farmers know exactly how many shrimp they have, making their work easier and more efficient. This means better shrimp farming with less waste and more focus on growing healthy shrimp.

HanseGarnelen faced a common yet critical challenge in shrimp farming: accurately determining stocking density. Miscounts can result in overstocking or understocking, both of which can have severe effects on a farm's productivity.

HanseGarnelen dedicated significant time to manually estimating shrimp numbers, diverting their skilled workers from more productive tasks. The SC-4K Shrimp Counter addresses this challenge head-on. Counting 200,000 shrimp per hour, ensures all shrimp are counted. This speed means farmers can focus more on care and less on counting. With a promise of at least 95% accuracy for shrimp sizes between 0.1 and 5 grams, farmers can trust the numbers they see.

“Before we had the counter here, it took us about three hours with two to three persons to transfer the shrimp from nursery to grow-out. Now, it just takes one hour for one person and is much more comfortable for the shrimp and more accurate. We have already ordered a second device for our other farm,” said Karl Bissa, operations manager at HanseGarnelen.

“We're genuinely impressed by HanseGarnelen's approach to shrimp farming. Their forward-thinking mindset and commitment to precision farming are truly commendable. The fact that they're utilizing technologies like the shrimp counter underscores their dedication to efficiency and innovation,” Sincere Aqua said.