
Supplier's News

Field calibration adjustment added to water quality monitoring loggers

Utilizing the new field calibration adjustment can extend deployment life to two years or more without return-to-factory recalibration.

July 25, 2024

Precision Measurement Engineering (PME), a manufacturer of water quality monitoring data loggers, introduced a field calibration adjustment process to customers and researchers worldwide. Utilizing the new field calibration adjustment can extend deployment life to two years or more without return-to-factory recalibration.

Over time, sensors can experience drift or deviation in their calibration, affecting measurement accuracy. Researchers deploy loggers in multiple applications, often in remote areas, at varying locations and depths with limited access. Verifying and ensuring that miniDOT® Loggers remain accurate is paramount for effective data collection.

Now, researchers can employ the field calibration adjustment process to bring their sensor accuracy to near, or within, factory calibration tolerance. With a simple three-step process, researchers conduct an experiment to easily measure, analyze and adjust the sensor’s calibration with software to ensure optical sensor accuracy. Multiple miniDOT® Loggers can undergo the same field calibration adjustment experiment, minimizing the time necessary for addressing the drift of large groups of miniDOT® Loggers.

Key benefits of field calibration adjustment include:

  • Extended field usability of data logger
  • Improved optical sensor accuracy in the field
  • Minimized occurrence of sending data loggers back for factory recalibration, reducing cost and lost time in the field

“PME is thrilled to announce this added benefit to our miniDOT® Logger and miniDOT® Clear Logger products. The field calibration adjustment is a game-changer for our researchers who deploy in remote locations and for those researchers who need the ability to adjust sensor accuracy in the field to ensure they collect accurate data. We’ve worked with select researchers to field test our field calibration adjustment process and are excited to introduce this field-friendly procedure to all our customers,” said Kristin Elliott, CEO of PME.

Researchers can download the Field Calibration Adjustment How To Guide and supplemental software here.