For many years, AquaInTech Inc. was the only company selling tableted Bacillus spores for use in aquaculture. Today, PRO4000X, a tableted blend of proprietary strains of Bacillus subtilis and B. licheniformis is fast approaching 1 million kg in sales.
“Today, we have been copied by dozens of companies, many selling products that do not perform as well as PRO4000X, and a few resorting to extreme exaggeration of counts, composition and results,” said Stephen G. Newman, president and CEO of AquaInTech.
In use in more than a dozen countries by shrimp and fish farmers, it has resulted in consistent outcomes with adequate biosecurity measures and farmers adjusting their usage rates as the cycles progress. By direct application of the bacterial spores to the pond bottoms where the organic matter accumulates, the bacteria improve water quality by reducing the levels of organic matter in the sediment and the water. They oxygenate the sediment-water interface getting rid of anaerobic gases such as hydrogen sulfide and methane, reducing levels of ammonia and lowering the loads of potential pathogenic Vibrios.
“PRO4000X is a valuable field-proven tool for improving biosecurity. Its ease of use eliminates employee error. While we offer advice as to the best way to use the product, we encourage customers to determine what works best for their specific cultural conditions,” Newman said.
Testimonials are available here. The company offers different sizes ranging from 45 mg to 100 grams or larger. Different-sized tablets are for different applications. Appearance may vary although content does not. Whether to use in an automatic feeder or apply directly to problem areas, the company offers the versatility for many different approaches.
“With this press release and celebrating the one million mark, we are offering a special discount for first-time customers buying more than 100 kgs. The larger the order the greater the discount. Refer to this press release when you contact us,” Newman said.