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Skretting upgrades salmon broodstock feed in the face of new challenges

This new generation of diets brings new capacities to optimize reproductive rates in fish farms and RAS centers.

OvaVitalis foto
Credits: Skretting
June 11, 2024

Skretting has upgraded its broodstock feed line Vitalis. This new generation of diets brings new capacities to optimize reproductive rates in fish farms and RAS centers. Vitalis 2G acts through a synergy of vitamins, minerals, additives and long-chain fatty acids, delivering high-impact results, without compromising the reproductive capacity of the fish.

Charles Booth, freshwater product manager at Skretting Chile, highlighted the outstanding innovations included in Vitalis 2G, stating that “these diets are formulated to optimize energy levels, maximizing the growth of broodstock, and provide crucial gill protection to face water quality challenges in diverse growing environments.”

Vitalis 2G also presents variations that contribute to the overall health of fish. For example, the Vitalis Kidney 2G version includes functional additives that improve kidney function, reduce systemic inflammation and minimize pathogen load. In addition, they mitigate the effects of nephrocalcinosis and other chronic diseases.


“Vitalis 2G has a versatile use including open flow and recirculation fish farms and also in grow-out stages. It is suggested to supply at controlled satiation for at least a year before spawning to get all their benefits,” explained Booth. “This innovation allows Vitalis 2G to establish a new standard in the nutrition of salmon broodstock, promoting and preserving an optimal status of the eggs that will bring new generations of more robust fry.”