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PatoGen unveils water screening service

The service examines water for specific pathogens that can affect the fish’s health.

Credits: PatoGen
January 23, 2024

Aquaculture diagnostics company PatoGen unveiled a new water monitoring service, Water Screening. The service examines water for specific pathogens that can affect the fish’s health, either from one or several water sources at the same time.

“Lately, we have experienced an increased focus on the infection status in water and water sources, with requests from several of our customers to see if we can check their water for pathogens,” the company said.


“By keeping an overview of the infection status in your water, you can more easily identify risk periods and time before a possible outbreak. Through regular monitoring, you can also identify trends and developments in the water, and how this possibly affects the fish at your site. Both could contribute to a more proactive operation and better conditions for the fish,” the company said.