Since 2012, Xelect has been working with major producers globally to manage their breeding programs and provide critical support services. In response to the high demand from the industry, a new rapid response range of genetic services, Xelect Express, is now available.
Xelect Express offers quick, cost effective access to the company’s genetics expertise for genotyping, pedigree assignment, gene expression, ploidy and sex determination.
“Our breeding program customers have always had access to our genetic testing services, but recently we’ve seen how the demand increased. Whether it’s impartially checking the ploidy of eggs or conducting spot checks to avoid in-breeding in broodstock, people want to have certainty over the quality of their supplies and the long-term health of their stocks,” CEO, Ian Johnston, said.
The tests will be available globally and conducted by Xelect’s highly qualified experts, led by operations director, Tom Ashton. “Our teams use the latest technology and insights to offer fast turnaround, guaranteed technical excellence, total confidentiality and, of course, a low price,” said Ashton.
The detailed services are: