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New cloud application makes broodstock management easy

Aquanetix extended the utilities of its cloud application to broodstock management, tracking the life history of individual breeders and correlating reproductive performance parameters with different parameters. 

New cloud application makes broodstock management easy
February 9, 2021

Aquanetix, a cloud application developed to support aquaculture operations in improving management of their farms, extended the utilities of its application to broodstock management. The new features allows scientists and commercial broodstock managers to track the life history of individual breeders, as well as broodstock over the years, correlating reproductive performance parameters with population, environment and other parameters.

To cover the multitude of research activities performed by researcher institutes, Aquanetix has the capacity to record and report custom sampling types (e.g. growth, reproductive condition, hormonal therapies for spawning induction, fin clipping, etc.) that can take the form of complex, multi-type variables. This extends the opportunities to track not only physical but also descriptive, genetic and even visual traits of individual breeders and broodstocks, through the utility of uploading images (e.g. body photos, biopsies, histology slides, etc.) and other files.

The interface developed is easy to use, facilitates the organization of broodstock data and comes with a simple and effective search facility that allows users to quickly find tagged individuals and see, at a glance, all traceability and sampling data associated with it.


“Using the AQUANETIX mobile App, users can effortlessly record most data linked to broodstock tanks, such as feeding, water parameters, egg production, etc. With the YellowfinBI reporting platform, data can be reported in a sophisticated and effective way,” the company said.

The new broodstock application was developed within the framework of WP4 Closing the reproductive cycle of economically important species of EU-funded project NewTechAqua.