

GLOBEFISH unveils market information and analysis tool

GLOBEFISH Market Profile provides a snapshot of key data relevant to production and trade in fisheries and aquaculture products.

GLOBEFISH unveils market information and analysis tool
September 16, 2021

GLOBEFISH unveiled new market information and analysis tool, GLOBEFISH Market Profiles. 

Each GLOBEFISH Market Profile provides a snapshot of key data relevant to production and trade in fisheries and aquaculture products. This is supplemented with other relevant information aiming to present a concise overview of a market. There are Market Profiles for 205 countries and territories available on the GLOBEFISH website.

The information contained in the profiles includes 22 sub-sections such as:

  • Top 10s for production, imports, and exports.
  • Share of fisheries in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the agricultural GDP.
  • Demographic data, such as population and GDP per capita.
  • Other relevant information, including Ease of Doing Business rank and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

The GLOBEFISH Market Profiles are automatically generated, drawing on both FAO data (FishStat) and information from other international organizations. This new GLOBEFISH product can be instrumental in supporting field missions or when participating in bilateral meetings with governments by allowing a quick picture of the country's economic situation towards production and trade in fisheries and aquaculture products.

Check out GLOBEFISH Market Profiles here.