

Genetic resources for farmed seaweeds

A new FAO report provides data and information on farmed red, brown and green seaweeds.

Genetic resources for farmed seaweeds
August 1, 2022

The genetic resources of farmed seaweeds are often omitted from regular aquaculture production reporting by countries despite their significance as a source of food and non-food products. 

A study by FAO's Report on the State of the World's Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (SoW-AqGR) provides significant data and information on the farmed red, brown and green seaweeds, with a specific focus on species and farmed types cultivated, genetic technologies applied, conservation and sustainable use, problems of farming seaweeds, drivers of seaweed farming, information sources and collaboration and cooperation in seaweed farming.

Download the study below.
