

Til-Aqua donates YY Tilapia broodstock to Mozambique

After the cyclone Idai destroyed the first tilapia hatchery in Mozambique, the company donated 500 set of YY broodstock to support the hatchery.

Til-Aqua donates YY Tilapia broodstock to Mozambique
October 9, 2019

Mozambique was hit by the cyclone Idai in May, 2019, destroying 90% of the city Beira and the tilapia hatchery Mozambique Aquacultura E Agricultura (E.I.). The hatchery started 3 years before being the first tilapia hatchery of Mozambique. At first, the hatchery used hormonal sex-reversing treatment but knowing the effect on fish, environment and man, they move to YY-Technology.

Just before ordering 500 sets of YY broodstock that will allow a production of at least 5,000,000 all-male tilapia fingerlings per year, Idai hit the region and the hatchery was destroyed.


Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation (WCDI), part of Wageningen University and Research has been contracted by the Zambezi Valley Development Authority (ZVDA) to support aquaculture development in the Zambezi Valley. Having heard about the disaster that struck Mozambique Aquacultura E Agricultura, WCDI staff contacted Til-Aqua International. Til-Aqua International donated 500 sets of YY. Convinced that the support of the restauration of the hatchery would have an effective contribution to aquaculture development in Mozambique, ZVDA approved to pay the certification and transport costs of the broodstock from the Netherlands to Beira. Til-Aqua will support the hatchery to bring it as soon as possible to a professional level producing hundreds of thousands of all-male fingerlings (male ratio 99%) for the Mozambican tilapia industry.

Thanks to this combined gift Mozambique Aquacultura E Agricultura will be again the most prominent hatchery of Mozambique.