

Singapore RAS signs agreement with Norwegian RAS specialists

OFS Norge AS and Onshore Technologies AS will design the RAS facility planned in Singapore to have 1,000 tones per year of locally farmed salmon production by 2025 with further expansion to 3,000.

Singapore RAS signs agreement with Norwegian RAS specialists
Singapore RAS CEO, Esben Johnsen.
March 21, 2022

Singapore RAS entered into an agreement with OFS Norge AS (OFS) and Onshore Technologies AS (ONTEC) for a basic design study of its recirculating aquaculture system planned in Singapore. Furthermore, the agreement opens the opportunity for strategic and financial co-operation on the project, as well as local aquaculture capacity building based on ONTEC’s pioneering academy in Måløy.

“Singapore RAS aims to establish itself as a leading-edge onshore sustainable producer of Atlantic salmon in Singapore, right next to the dinner table in the largest per capita salmon market in Southeast Asia. We are in particularly driven by the wish to ensure a maximum of recirculation, with multiple circular economies first for sludge, processing waste, cooling energy to mention some major elements. Singapore RAS is very pleased to announce our partnership with OFS/ONTEC leveraging OFS/ONTEC’s decades of technology development, with amongst the lowest per unit energy requirement in the industry and a strong focus on local skills and capacity building,” said Singapore RAS CEO, Esben Johnsen. 

Singapore RAS wants to produce 1,000 tonnes of salmon by 2025 ramping up to 3,000 t per year upon demonstration of biological and commercial success. The island city-state of Singapore imports more than 90% of the food and has a strategy labeled 30/30 aiming at increasing local food production to 30% by 2030. It also has a strong focus on circular economy and sustainability, two aspects that are central to this project.


OFS CEO, Jørn-Gunnar Jacobsen, said that OFS and ONTEC look forward to working with the team in Singapore RAS. “This collaboration, together with Singapore RAS’s central location to other key Southeast Asia markets, its carbon and circular economy ambitions, fits perfectly with us. OFS/ONTEC has a clear focus on research, innovation and commitment to the local community underpinning our strategic objective in making onshore RAS salmon farming truly sustainable.”