

Seafarms produces third generation of SPF shrimp at Project Sea Dragon

The Australian shrimp farm aims to develop the world-class Project Sea Dragon, a global scale prawn aquaculture project to be developed across northern Australia culminating in the operation of 10,000 hectares of prawn production ponds.

Seafarms produces third generation of SPF shrimp at Project Sea Dragon
July 29, 2020

Australian shrimp farm, Seafarms Group, has cultured the third generation of shrimp from its Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) program. This program was started in 2016 and is an essential early phase investment in Project Sea Dragon to develop a domesticated population of black tiger shrimp. The company continues to refine its processes which are resulting in the development of valuable knowledge.

Seafarms has been investing in the Australian shrimp farming industry for many years and has developed a reputation for producing superior tasting Australian black tiger shrimp and banana prawn, sold under the Crystal Bay® Prawns brand. The company’s mission is to develop the world-class Project Sea Dragon, a global scale prawn aquaculture project to be developed across northern Australia culminating in the operation of 10,000 hectares of prawn production ponds. Project Sea Dragon takes all parts of the production chain and puts them together so there is complete control from breeding and hatcheries to processing and exporting.
