

Salmon breeding pioneer passed away

The pioneering work of Trygve Gjedrem was central to the development of Norwegian salmon national breeding programs.

Salmon breeding pioneer passed away
August 16, 2021

Pioneer in salmon breeding, Professor Trygve Gjedrem, passed away after a short illness. 

Together with Harald Skjervold, Gjedrem established a salmon breeding program at the experimental station in Sunndalsøra in the early 1970s. Gjedrem was responsible for the first generations and was also a key driver for the establishment of the breeding station for salmon at Kyrksæterøra in 1985.

The pioneering work of Trygve Gjedrem was central to the development of Norwegian salmon national breeding programs. Its success helped to establish close ties between the industry and the research communities, a crucial collaboration that has been continued to this day. He also had a strong international commitment to similar work with significantly larger farmed species, such as tilapia, carp and marine shrimp. 


“It has been 50 years since the world's first generation of a salmon breeding program saw the light in Norway. A breeding program we currently manage,” AquaGen said.