

PR Aqua signs contract for new RAS facility

Taste of BC Aquafarms, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Blue Star Foods Corp., selected PR Aqua, as its RAS technology provider for its planned 1,500 metric ton farm. 

PR Aqua signs contract for new RAS facility
August 9, 2021

Taste of BC Aquafarms, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Blue Star Foods Corp., selected PR Aqua, as its RAS technology provider for its planned 1,500 metric ton farm. PR Aqua will provide advanced aquatic solutions for aquaculture, as its RAS technology provider and plans to leverage PR Aqua’s suite of solutions encompassing facility design and advanced equipment engineering.

“We have worked with PR Aqua for many years. They were the team that helped us build our initial 80 metric ton steelhead salmon farm and were instrumental as R&D partners to design and implement what has been a very successful first project,” said Steve Atkinson, founder of Taste of BC. “We believe their team is some of the best in the business, and we are thrilled to continue to work with them as we look to scale our combined technology for our next phase of development for the second facility.”
