

Peru, Northern Ireland harmonize health certificate for trout egg imports

The proposed sanitary conditions will reduce the risk of introducing pathogens in Peru from companies in Northern Ireland.

Credits: Sanipes
February 13, 2024

The Peruvian National Fisheries Health Organization (Sanipes), an entity attached to the Ministry of Production, announced that the harmonization of the health certificate for the import of eggs of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) between Peru and Northern Ireland was achieved.

The negotiations were carried out between the technical teams of Sanipes (Peru) and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA, Northern Ireland). The sanitary conditions proposed in the Health Export Certificate for rainbow trout-eyed eggs to Peru will reduce the risk of introducing pathogens from companies in Northern Ireland.


The harmonization is part of the import risk analysis carried out by Sanipes, a prevention tool that has been strengthening the entity to protect and maintain the health status of the country, in order to guarantee the health of hydrobiological resources.