

Mexico opens first shrimp genetic research center

CONAPESCA has inaugurated Genamex, which will produce certified shrimp broodstocks of high health and high genetic variety and will supply larvae production laboratories at a national level to improve the performance of crustacean production.

Mexico opens first shrimp genetic research center
October 9, 2019

The Mexican National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (CONAPESCA) has inaugurated the Genetics Unit of the Biosecurity Masal Selection of Mexican Aquaculture Genetics (Genamex), which will produce certified shrimp broodstocks of high health and high genetic variety and will supply larvae production laboratories at a national level to improve the performance of crustacean production.

The new facility is the result of the combined efforts of Sinaloa aquaculture producers and the support of the authorities of the sector, detailed the head of CONAPESCA, Raúl Elenes Angulo.

He said that this unit will set a precedent for the strengthening of the national aquaculture sector and consolidates an alliance with shrimp farmers for the development of the production of quality and disease-free shrimp postlarvae.


The President of the Board of Directors of Mexican Aquaculture Genetics, Rafael Ruiz Valdez, informed that for the creation of Genamex, six companies that produce larvae were united.