

ISA virus detected at Chilean salmon farm

Salmon smolts were culled after Sernapeesca detected infectious salmon anemia (ISA) in a smolt facility in the Aysén region.

ISA virus detected at Chilean salmon farm
May 13, 2020

Chilean authority Sernapesca ordered the cull of smolts from Piscultura Río Unión (Granja Marina Tornagaleones) in the Aysén area after infectious salmon anemia (ISA) virus was confirmed. Smolts were culled under a strict biosecurity protocol.

Virus positivity was detected in some of the smoltification tanks which are supplied with seawater. The deputy director of aquaculture of Sernapesca, Marcela Lara, stated that “this information is very relevant from the epidemiological point of view, and we are currently waiting the result of the virus sequencing to determine the variant to which it corresponds.”

Sernapesca announced that all the Atlantic salmon farming centers will be sampled in the next 15 days and then monthly until the end of the zoning,” said Lara.



As recently reported, Mowi’s hatchery Northern Harvest Smolt Limited in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, culled 450,000 Atlantic salmon juveniles after detecting infectious salmon anemia (ISA). The sampling at the facility identified eight fish as positive for pathogenic ISA and six fish as positive for non-pathogenic ISA. Read the article.

