

Growing lobster gets closer

The Australian Research Council will support the establishment of the world’s first sustainable onshore lobster aquaculture industry.

Growing lobster gets closer
October 9, 2019

The Australian Research Council will support the establishment of the world’s first sustainable onshore lobster aquaculture industry. The University of Tasmania will lead the $5 million-funded research that will support world-leading IMAS research into lobster aquaculture.

University of Tasmania Vice-Chancellor, Professor Rufus Black, said the funding will allow IMAS scientists to complete the hatchery to market vision built on decades of research. Crustaceans are among the most highly prized and valuable seafood products in the world and researchers have succeeded in developing breakthrough technology that allows the mass culture of hatchery lobster seedstock – juveniles – sustainably and commercially.

This new research aims to answer the next set of questions in the development of an onshore lobster aquaculture industry for Australia, developing aquaculture rearing systems, innovative feed and transport solutions and support industry transformation during the establishment phase of a new commercial sector.
