

ASC consultation on new requirements to improve welfare of farmed fish

ASC is consulting the public on new requirements to improve the welfare of farmed fish that take advantage of new developments and research to cover issues including water quality, stocking density and slaughter.

ASC consultation on new requirements to improve welfare of farmed fish
September 1, 2021

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is consulting the public on new requirements to improve the welfare of farmed fish that take advantage of new developments and research to cover issues including water quality, stocking density and slaughter.

The consultation is the first phase of ASC’s wide-ranging fish welfare project. A second phase will allow for public consultation at a later date following further research and development that will bring in other species and address further welfare issues.


The public consultation is now open and will allow anyone with an interest or expertise to provide feedback on the proposed additions to ASC standards. ASC is particularly targeting producers, experts from animal welfare NGOs and charities, scientists and researchers, and auditors. The consultation will run for sixty days. Find more information and access the consultation on the Fish Welfare Project page