

AquaMaof adapts its RAS solution for commercial shrimp production

After three years of research in an R&D facility located in southern Israel, AquaMaof has successfully adapted its RAS technology for land-based production of shrimp with high-survival rates and disease-free results. It will be ready for market in 2020.

AquaMaof adapts its RAS solution for commercial shrimp production
October 21, 2019

AquaMaof Aquaculture Technologies Ltd., has adapted its proprietary RAS technology for commercial land-based production of shrimp and will be ready for market in 2020. After three years of research in its R&D facility located in southern Israel, the company has succeeded in adapting its RAS technology to the production of L. vannamei shrimp with a high-survival rate and disease-free results.

The company achieved high-density shrimp production, high shrimp survival rates, and low FCR - all in a disease-free environment, with very low bacterial counts in the water. Additionally, AquaMaof's technology facilitates control over the color of the shrimp and their genetics, enabling production of a high-quality end product. The technology also enables partial harvest in different sizes, while maintaining low operational costs.

"Three years ago, we began to notice growing shrimp demand, on the one hand, and the many challenges faced by the traditional shrimp aquaculture industry, on the other. We decided to adapt our proven integrated RAS technology for the indoor production of shrimp. Moving production indoors, in a closed containment environment, has enabled us to overcome many of the industry's challenges and become the first company to offer a commercial end-to-end solution,” explained David Hazut, CEO of AquaMaof. “Over the course of three years, we are very proud of the achievements we have made, such as high densities of shrimps with no negative effect on growth rates, whilst maintaining a disease-free environment," Hazut said.


AquaMaof’s RAS technology provides a solution for responsibly-farmed and harvested aquaculture

practices for many aquaculture species. AquaMaof's facilities are strategically located adjacent to large cities which reduces transportation costs, and produces fresh, natural, and high-quality fish at competitive prices.