Jamaica is building a state-of-the-art National Tilapia Hatchery. Located in Twickenham Park, St. Catherine, it is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of the new financial year and is expected to significantly boost the supply of high-quality tilapia fry to farmers across the island.
The government has committed to invest USD 3.6 million for the construction of the hatchery, with funding partly provided by JSIF and the World Bank.
The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries & Mining, Floyd Green, said that “the facility represents an important step in revitalizing tilapia production in Jamaica. With its completion on track, we are poised to significantly boost local fish farming and reduce reliance on imported stock.”
The hatchery will feature solar energy, which will reduce operational costs and ensure the facility’s resilience and efficiency, and a bio-secure design. Once operational, the hatchery’s production capacity will be up to five million fry per year.
The establishment of the National Tilapia Hatchery is part of the government’s broader strategy to increase the fisheries sector’s contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP) by 50% by 2027.