The International Artemia Aquaculture Consortium (under formation), as a follow up to the FAO recommendations for SDG-aligned brine shrimp Artemia aquaculture, will host the webinar Status of the use of Artemia cysts in fish and crustacean hatcheries around the world on September 2, 2021 at 12 am GMT.
The goal of the webinar is to document differences in practices used by fish and crustacean hatcheries in the use of Artemia cysts for the preparation of live feeds. Over time, the practices used by hatcheries in Asia, Europe and Latin America have diverged from the good aquaculture practices for Artemia production recommended by FAO in the 1991 Live Food Manual.
Speakers include technical experts using Artemia in the production of shrimp, freshwater prawn, mud and mitten crabs, seabass, seabream and other marine fish from Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Ecuador, Greece, India, Spain, and Thailand.
The program will include:
The webinar will produce a report with specific recommendations for the FAO Artemia workshop to be held at the Global Conference on Aquaculture, Shanghai, September 22, 2021. The workshop will contribute to the preparation of updated recommendations on how to better use Artemia in hatcheries as an important input for a new FAO Artemia manual and future training programs for local hatcheries.
Register here.