
Event News

Webinar: Farming corvina

The workshop will discuss why corvina is an attractive fish to farm, explore the key factors that affect its production, and present two different systems for farming this species.

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December 5, 2023

The NoviFEED consortium, led by SPAROS, is inviting the general public and aquaculture professionals to participate in the webinar Corvina: Farming a Captivating Fish. The webinar will be held on December 19, 2023, from 10:00 – 11:30h (WET).

See the webinar program and register here.

The aim of this workshop is to show why corvina is an attractive fish to farm, explore the key factors that affect its production, and hear from professionals on two different systems for farming this delicious fish.


This webinar is part of the NoviFEED project, financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, through EEA grants, in the scope of the program Blue Growth, operated by Directorate-General for Maritime Policy (DGPM), Portugal, under reference PT-INNOVATION-0099. Learn more about the NoviFEED project here.