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StofnFiskur, supplier of the year at the Aquaculture Awards 2020

"We have faced challenges like others during COVID-19 but this has been mitigated by the biosecure and flexible 52-week ova supply of StofnFiskur in Iceland, ensuring that our clients have the ova to secure their production needs," the company said.

StofnFiskur, supplier of the year at the Aquaculture Awards 2020
September 24, 2020

Benchmark Genetics’ StofnFiskur was awarded the “Aquaculture supplier of the year” at the Aquaculture Awards 2020.

“It is a great honor for our work here in Scotland to be recognized by the industry. We have a strong commitment to quality of product and our service and a fantastic team to help deliver this,” said Ben Perry, UK and North America sales and technical support manager. “We have faced challenges like others during COVID-19 but this has been mitigated by the biosecure and flexible 52-week ova supply of StofnFiskur in Iceland, ensuring that our clients have the ova to secure their production needs.”

StofnFiskur is one of the world’s leading companies in the selective breeding and production of Atlantic salmon ova. The concept of Stofnfiskur is based around producing salmon eggs all year round with the highest biosecurity available. Delivering ova all year round enables customers to secure a yearly improvement of the production cost by improving growth rate and increasing survival, which makes for a more profitable salmon business. The company exports eggs to 22 countries and remains the only foreign supplier of Atlantic salmon ova to Chile as a result of the renewed approval issued by Sernapesca.


This year’s judging panel of the Aquaculture Awards was made up of Alex Adrian, aquaculture operations manager of Crown Estate Scotland; Martin Gill, head of aquaculture and fisheries at Lloyds Register; Nicki Holmyard, director of Offshore Shellfish; Professor Dave Little, head of research at University of Stirling’s Institute of Aquaculture; Ingrid Olesen, senior scientist at Nofima; and The Fish Site’s Rob Fletcher. The awards ceremony is now available to watch online here.