
Event News

Open abstract submission for 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction

Open abstract submission for 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction
September 24, 2020

The 19th International Congress on Animal Reproduction was postponed to June 21 – July 1, 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All the abstracts that have been submitted and accepted for the previous edition were cancelled since these abstracts have been presented in 2019 and most of them would need a review or an update for the 2021 edition. Therefore, the Scientific Committee has decided to restart a new submission for them. Abstract topics include the reproduction of fish. Submission deadline is November 30, 2020.

The International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR) is a non-profit international organization that conducts conferences on animal reproduction. Founded in 1948, ICAR has no members but is governed by a standing committee made of scientist representatives from over 40 countries and has held a major conference every four years in many countries throughout the world. The focus of the congress is animal reproduction, including animal physiology, animal pathology and reproductive technologies.

The conference is organized in individual plenary sessions followed by concurrent symposia and workshops as well as poster sessions. A trade exhibition will remain open throughout the conference.


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