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First edition of postgraduate course on RAS starts in Chile

The course seeks to train professionals and technicians who wish to update and deepen their knowledge of these aquaculture systems.

First edition of postgraduate course on RAS starts in Chile
September 29, 2020

The first edition of the new postgraduate course on RAS systems hold by the Austral University of Chile began with 23 students.

“We hope to contribute to the training of new advanced human capital in an area as relevant today as recirculation systems for sustainable aquaculture,” said Iker Uriarte, director and academic of the Diploma in Recirculation for Aquaculture. The course seeks to train professionals and technicians who wish to update and deepen their knowledge of these aquaculture systems.

According to the Uriarte, the expectations when starting this project were fully met, and it is expected that the students will be able to consolidate their knowledge and be at the forefront of the new RAS systems.


This program is focused on the latest advances in RAS systems, mainly for salmon farming. To achieve the objectives, the new postgraduate degree has 20 academics who come from different sectors to provide a more global vision on RAS, both nationally and internationally.

“Our faculty has eight permanent academics, most of whom belong to the Aquaculture Institute of the Austral University of Chile (UACh). But we also have visiting professors, experts from the private sector and other universities and specialists in specific areas of the RAS,” said Uriarte.