

Sterner selects PG's pumps for smolt facility

PG Flow Solutions will supply nine of its large circulation pumps and six pumps for stripping of CO2 for Sande Settefisk’s new smolt facility in Norway.

Sterner selects PG’s pumps for smolt facility
August 24, 2021

Norwegian water treatment company, Sterner AS, has awarded PG Flow Solutions a contract to deliver 15 pump systems to the new smolt facility that Sterner is building for Sande Settefisk, Norway. PG Flow Solutions will supply nine of its large circulation pumps and six pumps for stripping of CO2, which means removing CO2 from water. 

“Our pumps are core components to maintain good fish health and production in the RAS facility. Hence, we hope that our technology has been a contributing factor to Sterner winning this prestigious assignment,” said Øyvind Berg, vice president of sales and marketing at PG Flow Solutions.

PG Flow Solutions’ circulation pumps are capable of pumping large volumes of water with low pressure. They will be utilized to pump fresh water into the three departments of the RAS facility. Further, the CO2 stripper pumps help ensure solid production and a low level of biological waste at the facility.

Sande Settefisk has awarded Sterner the contract to build the new smolt facility. The new facility will increase annual production from one to five million smolts at the company’s site in Sandane, Sogn og Fjordane county in Norway. Salmon and rainbow trout will be produced at the facility. The plant will have three departments, each with a maximum feeding of 1,500 kilograms per day. It will consist of a hatchery with RAS technology and two grow-out departments, one with a flow-through system and one with RAS technology.