

Sweden to build cod hatchery facility to strengthen wild stocks

MAT Filtration will build a new RAS hatchery facility to produce cod larvae for release in the Baltic Sea.

Sweden to build cod hatchery facility to strengthen wild stocks
February 9, 2021

MAT-Kuling, owned by MAT Filtration Technologies and Kuling Vannbehandling AS, signed a contract to deliver RAS facilities for a cod hatchery in Sweden.

Cod is one of the Baltic Sea's most important fish species but decades of overfishing and a failed management have made that Baltic Sea cod stock is today facing an emergency situation. The project ReCod - Release of small cod in the Baltic Sea aims to strengthen cod populations by producing cod larvae for release in the Baltic sea. 

The demonstration project will build a new hatchery facility in connection with the research station Ar in Gotland. The facilities will be delivered in May 2021 and will consist of three RAS facilities for cod broodstock and three RAS facilities for hatcheries and juvenile production.


The project is carried out by the foundation BalticWaters2030 in cooperation with, among others, Uppsala University and Sweden’s sport fishing and fisheries conservation association.

Exclusive distributor in Australia and New Zealand

MAT Filtration Technologies also announced its exclusive collaboration with Fresh By Design for Australia and New Zealand. MAT strategy for 2020-2022 is to expand to markets with high growth potential in aquaculture and specialty filtration. Fresh By Design’s after-sales support and local contracting activities was the crucial reason for MAT to appoint them.