

Pike perch module expands ASC species coverage

The pike perch module will eventually be integrated into the ASC Farm Standard.

Source: ASC
January 15, 2024

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) launched a new Pike-perch Module, which aims to promote species diversification.

The Pike-perch Module is part of ASC’s Scope Extension Project, which is adding more species to the ASC program as part of its commitment to increase the number of ASC-certified farmed seafood products. New species, such as pike perch, are added to the program based on consumer demand, market development opportunity, or producer interest.

Fabiola Mustafaj, research coordinator at ASC, said that “there is growing consumption of pike perch (Sander lucioperca) and an increased producer demand from Europe for certification. The development of the pike perch module is a milestone for ASC and proves its commitment to the diversification of species as we continue to grow and make ASC certification more relevant and accessible to farmers.”

“Farms using the module will improve their environmental and social performance through ASC’s robust standards and will ensure responsibly farmed pike perch product is available to the market,” Mustafaj added.


In January 2023, the ASC pike-perch module was approved by the ASC Technical Advisory Group (TAG). Following stakeholder consultation in March and April 2023, feedback was evaluated and incorporated into the final version of the Module in May 2023.

Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) will now undergo training preparation for the module’s implementation. The pike perch module will eventually be integrated into the ASC Farm Standard.