

Norway to end testing triploid salmon

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority's head office will not allow more projects for testing triploid salmon and will decide if it is a suitable method to safeguarding fish welfare. 

Norway to end testing triploid salmon
April 30, 2021

The Norwegian Food Safety Authority's head office will not allow more projects for testing triploid salmon than the started project NRS-TRIPWELL. When this project is completed, the authorities will decide whether triploid salmon is a method that is suitable for safeguarding fish welfare. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority will give its professional assessment to the Ministry of Trade and Industry, which will decide whether the method can be used in commercial farming.


The Norwegian Food Safety Authority's decision comes after the Ministry of Trade and Industry decided that diploid and triploid fish must be kept in separate units and “that the companies will enter into a dialogue with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority as soon as possible and will clarify whether the release of triploid fish will be permitted.”